At the close of a long writer’s conference day, my friend and I (yes I do have one…or two) were eating dinner and she asks me this:
“Do you want to try a 52 week challenge?”
It took me a minute to answer, you know, double checking my mental calendar.
“You do realize that is an entire year?” I asked. Maybe she’s kidding, I thought. Also, at this point in the conversation I wasn’t sure what kind of challenge this would be–fitness, reading, writing–who does anything for 52 weeks?
She laughed, but this was no joke. She’d found a book for improving one’s writing skills and it was conveniently divided up into 52 chapters to correspond to (yes, I’m stating the obvious) 52 weeks! She described what she was already learning from the book and somewhere between Collecting Good Words and Unstacking Noun Stacks, I was hooked.
Fast forward past numerous critique group discussions about this book and trying to figure out a way to get the most out of it and we had the idea to combine it with what we were already doing every week – making an effort to show up at the page and at group meeting with work -even if it was five pages of something and ta-da! A new blog was born.
We’re committed to posting every week and improving our craft as we go. (We do not have any financial connection to the book, in case you were wondering.) We’d love for you to join us in our journey.