I love book clubs! If it weren’t for the reading groups I’ve been privileged to attend, I might not have persevered and finished my first novel. In response to the requests from book club members, near and far, I’ve put together a few goodies:
For a discount on the paperback edition, follow the link at www.TheChristmasTreeKeeper.com
Skype sessions – depending on when your book club meets, I may be able to “join” you through Skype for a 15 minute Q & A session. Send an email to pass5tlp@gmail.com and include your contact info, date of meeting and time zone.

Discussion Questions – **possible spoiler alert**
1. Angela’s piano teacher appears in the narrative only as a memory of what she taught Angela. Is there a person in your life, perhaps someone other than a family member, that had an impact like this on you?
2. Caroline has no trouble believing in miracles. How does her faith affect Angela’s? In what ways can children influence their parents?
3. Angela chooses not to take Caroline and stay at her mother’s house. What do you think of her choice? Was she acting courageously? Or stubbornly?
4. Why is it hard for Mark to see Natalie for who she is? What gets in the way of being able to clearly see other people?
5. Donna and Mark have a conversation about dreams and sacrifice. What do you think are appropriate sacrifices to pursue a dream? What if the dream is not obtained? What if it is?
6. When does Angela begin to trust Mark? Why does it take her so long? Or does she trust him too soon?
Have you finished reading the book and have a suggestion for a discussion question?
Leave your idea in the comments, I’d love to hear what you think.