Did you know there is a service for this? Autographs for ebooks? Sometimes I wonder where I’ve been all my life. It’s true, though. Check out the website Authograph.com and discover the digital, ink free way that authors can “sign” digital books. So. Cool. This means anyone who would like an autograph of the Kindle (or Read More
Month: November 2014

New Release Date
Seems I’m a magnet for technical difficulties this week. This Dilbert comic captures my feelings pretty well. But here is the latest: My kindle book was lost in cyber-space for a day The good news? After much hard work by the folks at KDP, THE BOOK IS RESTORED AND STILL AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER If you pre-ordered the Read More

New Book Friends
Amid all the excitement of having my book up for sale, ordinary life still demands to be addressed. Like laundry or meals or say billing issues with phone companies. Last night I was on the phone with one such company and the representative was friendly and helpful (rare, but true.) We were working out the Read More

Meet My New Novel
Introducing my new novel! I’m so excited to show off this stunning cover, courtesy of www.anauthorsart.com. It’s been a long road, but the ebook is ready for pre-order in the Kindle store and coming soon in paperback. **New Release date is November 22, 2014. **If you pre-0rdered this book before 11/18/14, watch for an email Read More
Monkey Bread and What’s in a Name
Is it Monkey Bread? or Cinnamon Pull-Aparts as my cookbook describes it? Or is it ooey-gooey sweet bread waiting to be devoured, like it looks on my counter? Does it matter what we call it? What’s in a name anyway? Before I tackle that question with an illustration from the Nordic Ware company- here is Read More